

来源:镇江朗阁雅思学校时间:2017/3/8 11:08:33

摘要:  镇江朗阁3月18日雅思口语预测  为了帮助大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩,镇江朗阁老师为大家整理了镇江朗阁3月18日雅思口语预测话题,一...



  Part 2 Top 20高频话题

  1. Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future. 未来假期

  2. Describe an important event in history of your country. 历史事件

  3. Describe a time you spent with a child. 陪伴孩子

  4. Describe a time you waited for something special. 一次等待的经历

  5. Describe an interesting neighbor you know. 有趣的邻居

  6. Describe a time you were not allowed to use cellphone. 不许使用手机的场景

  7. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others. 赠送礼物

  8. Describe a garden you have visited. 花园

  9. Describe a tall building you like or dislike. 高楼

  10. Describe a shop recently opened in your hometown. 新开的商店

  11. Describe an exciting activity you tried for the first time. 兴奋的活动

  12. Describe a website you like to visit. 网站

  13. Describe a famous person that you are interested in. 感兴趣的名人

  14. Describe a piece of equipment in your home. 重要设备

  15. Describe an interesting song you like. 歌曲

  16. Describe a country you would like to work for short time. 出国工作

  17. Describe a special meal you were invited to. 特殊的一餐

  18. Describe a polite person you know. 有礼貌的人

  19. Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to work or study). 未来计划

  20. Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future. 高薪工作




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