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《Five tips to keep you away from procrastination》

来源:镇江朗阁雅思学校时间:2012/6/13 9:03:43


1. Reacting to every distraction that comes along 回应让你分心的事

The number of distractions has grown radically over the last few years. The main problem is that you are expected to be reachable all the time. When you are distracted, it causes unnecessary stress and makes you procrastinate on your work。


Instead of being reachable, shut down the communication devices when you want to concentrate on your work. If this means shutting down your phone or even taking the network cable out of your computer, then do it. This way you can cut down your temptations to be distracted too easily。


Focusing on the things that bring the biggest rewards is a good strategy to be used in your life。


2. Letting television to overrun your passion 把工作热情用来看电视

When television is preventing you to take action on your passion, maybe it is time to rethink your priorities。


Save your TV show to your digital set-top box for later viewing instead. If you do this operation a couple of times you will form a new success habit – working on your passion first and watching television second。


3. Multitasking 一心多用

You are spreading your focus and effort on too many places at once. Although you might be able to proceed on many fronts at once, it is still a very slow and error-prone way of working。


Instead, when you focus solely

on one task, you get all the work done much faster. You can put your mind fully to that task, complete it fully and move to the next task。


4. Neglecting your body 忽视身体健康

You should take utmost care of your body. Feed it nutritious food, keep it fit by exercising on a regular basis and give it enough sleep。


5. Promising too much 做出太多承诺

Control your “yeses”. If you feel you have too much on your plate, be selfish and just say no! You have a right to decline from requests presented to you. Don’t feel bad about saying no。




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