


课时安排: 7周在线小组科研学习+5周不限 时论文指导学习

适合人群 | Prerequisites

适合年级(Grade): 高中生/大学生
适合专业(Major): 适合金融学、创业融资、风险投资、企业管理、商业经济、IPO、风投等金融商科专业,或者希望对创业融资有所了解的学生;学生需要具备基础金融经济基础

导师介绍 | Instructor Introduction

  Sh.Bn.——哈佛大学/Harvard University,讲席终身教授
  Sh.Bn.导师现任哈佛大学商学院讲席终身教授,曾任斯坦福大学商学院教授,在斯坦福大学讲授创业融资课程,导师毕业于哈佛大学,拥有哈佛大学商学院博士学位。Sh.Bn.导师的研究兴趣聚焦创业融资与企业金融,在国际期刊发表风险投资、投资策略、资产配置方向论文十余篇。他的论文曾获得Journal of Finance(JF;金融领域学术期刊Top1)较佳论文奖。导师出众的研究成果获得了业内广泛的认可,目前导师同时担任NBER的研究员。美国经济研究局NBER是一个美国私营、非营利的机构,同时亦是美国较大的经济学研究组织。目的是研究经济的运作,进行实证的经济学研究。三十一个美国诺贝尔经济学奖得奖者中有十六位曾是美国经济研究所的研究员。美国经济研究所于1920年创办。不少的经济学者如小罗伯特·卢卡斯、罗伯特·巴罗、保罗·克鲁曼也是其研究员。同时导师也担任斯坦福经济研究所的研究员。
  Shai Bernstein is the Marvin Bower Associate Professor in the Entrepreneurial Management Unit at Harvard Business School and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research(NBER)in both the Corporate Finance group and the Productivity,Innovation,and Entrepreneurship group.Much of his research focuses on financial issues related to start-ups,and high growth firms,and the interaction of these issues with innovation and entrepreneurial activity.He teaches the Entrepreneurial Finance course in the MBA elective curriculum.Shai completed his Ph.D.in Business Economics at Harvard University.Prior to joining Harvard Business School,Shai spent eight years as a faculty at Stanford Graduate School of Business.

项目背景 | Program Background

  Startup companies bring innovation and even revolutionize industries,but at the same time,they face enormous uncertainties and risks.The evaporation of the values of startup companies hit by the pandemic has made investors more rational.In the course of the game,why are investors willing to finance companies with high risks and uncertainties?How do entrepreneurs attract capital?How do investors value startups?How to reduce investment risk?The above questions will be answered one by one in this program.The program focuses on startup companies'financing characteristics,funding sources,incentives of various parties,etc.It aims to guide students to master financing tools in the life cycle of start-ups,to become familiar with the entrepreneurial ecosystem,and to combine theory and practice.Under the guidance of conceptual model,valuation,and investment decision-making theories,it discusses the funding sources and control of companies by drawing on the examples of enterprises in different stages.

项目介绍 | Program Description

  The program combines lectures and case studies to provide a deeper understanding of the financial challenges faced by startup companies and their investors.The program will require students to carefully prepare the cases following the pre-class questions,to read and understand all materials,and to participate actively in class discussion.
  Theoretical Objectives
  1.Identify and explain the challenges that arise from investing in startup companies,and evaluate such opportunities.
  2.Understand the incentives and goals of different types of players in the ecosystem and how contracts are designed to align incentives.
  3.Understand how venture capital and other investors are thinking about valuing early-stage ventures,and what kind of securities are used to finance such companies.
  4.Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of startup companies and understand how these affect their financing strategies.
  5.Apply these concepts and frameworks to cases of real companies.

项目大纲 | Syllabus

  ●○ 创业融资:项目将在本周聚焦初创企业融资策略和经营策略之间的联系,探索初创企业的资金需求。General introduction to entrepreneurial finance
  ●○ 创业融资估值与合约:项目将在本周聚焦投资者初创企业估值、创始人股权稀释以及投资合约关键条款。Valuations and contracts in entrepreneurial finance
  ●○ 种子轮融资与天使投资人:项目将在本周探讨天使投资与可转换债券机制。Seed financing and angel investors
  ●○ 初创企业债务融资  Can startups use debt?Understanding venture debt
  ●○ 公开募股IPO:项目将在本周聚焦“企业透过证券交易所公开向投资者增发股票,以期募集用于企业发展资金的过程”。Initial public offerings
  ●○ 项目回顾与成果展示  Program Review and Presentation
  ●○ 论文辅导  Project Deliverables Tutoring

项目收获Program Outcome

017周在线小组科研学习+5周不论文指导学习 共125课时
03学员获主导师Reference Letter
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