

来源:佛山新东方雅思培训奥园校区时间:2024/2/20 11:37:32




  雅思口语Part 2:描述一次你喜欢的聚会
  较近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a party that you enjoyed.”。说到这个话题,我脑海里浮现的画面就数我们远赴斐济,在当地的度假村给Candy过生日那次了。那时又正好赶上我们刚大学毕业,我和Tony还有Candy一行人远赴斐济毕业旅行。离开斐济的前又恰巧是Candy的生日,酒店为我们精心准备了一场令人难忘的生日会。想知道这场生日会较令我难忘的点是什么吗?那就跟我一起往下听听吧~
  本期Part 2话题
  Describe a party that you enjoyed
  You should say:
  When you went to the party
  Where the party was held
  What kind of party it was
  And explain why you enjoyed this party
  第十一季Episode 5
  One unforgettable party that comes to mind is a birthday party I attended last summer.It was held at a scenic beach resort,adding a touch of natural beauty to the festivities.The party was organized to celebrate my friend's milestone birthday,and it turned out to be a perfect blend of joy,laughter,and sharing fond memories of the past.
  The venue itself set the tone for the evening,with the sun setting over the horizon,casting a warm glow on the gathering.The party featured a vibrant mix of activities,from beach volleyball to a lively dance floor.The atmosphere was electric,filled with the infectious energy of friends and family coming together to celebrate.
  What made the party truly special was the meticulous attention to detail in the arrangements.From the decor that reflected the celebrant's personality to the diverse menu catering to various tastes,every aspect was thoughtfully curated.The highlight was a surprise performance by a local band,adding a live musical element that elevated the party to new heights.
  The laughter,the sound of waves in the background,and the shared moments of joy made it a night to remember.It was not just a birthday party;it was a perfect symphony of fun and memories against the backdrop of a stunning seaside setting.This party was a shining example of the magic that happens when good company,thoughtful planning,and a beautiful environment come together to create lasting memories.
  Words&expressions in this episode
  1.infectious adj.有感染力的
  2.meticulous adj.一丝不苟的,注意细节的
  3.decor n.装饰,布置
  4.backdrop n.(事件的)背景  

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