


来源:苏州环球雅思英语培训学校 时间:2014-11-04


  Dave Bowley 是一位IT顾问。他13年前在莫纳什大学获得信息技术本科学位,之后一直在信息技术行业工作,慢慢成为行业里的一位顾问,经常为公司及政府机构做程序编辑或系统设计等方面的工作。




  Working in the Information Technology industry has been an attractive career choice for many young people for years. So what does it take to become an IT consultant in Australia?

  Dave Bowley from Melbourne is a senior IT consultant specialising in programming and IT system design. He has a Bachelor's degree in IT and Business from Monash University and has been working in the IT industry for more than a decade.

  He says that the IT industry in Australia has quietened down a bit in recent times, but there are still a lot of opportunities out there. His top advice for young people who want to break into the industry is that technical skills might be crucial, but communication skills are also very important.

  Use this transcript to help you with the audio on our website.


  DAVE BOWLEY: I’m an IT consultant, so I get to do quite a few roles. So those roles could be anything from computer programming to designing IT systems, to IT support to writing documentation, it really depends on who the client is and what I’m required to do.

  LILY YAN: So why did you choose to get into this industry at (in) the first place? Why did you choose to study IT?

  DAVE BOWLEY: I think at the time that I started studying IT, it was quite a burgeoning industry. There was a lot of opportunities in IT, relatively good money as well, and fairly easy to do as well for someone who has been brought up on computers. So, yeah, it was an easy choice, I think.

  LILY YAN: So what do you think of the IT industry now, as it is, compared to, like, a few years ago when you started?

  DAVE BOWLEY: It’s certainly quietened down a little bit. It’s not as lucrative as it used to be. But the money is still good in the industry, so, yeah, it’s still a good place to be.

  LILY YAN: Is that a difficult industry to get in(to) now, like is it getting really competitive, like you need to have really high qualifications and good experience, or, is that still a lot of opportunities there?

  DAVE BOWLEY: I think there’s still a lot of opportunities there, but you have to be lucky to a certain extent. But certainly the more you can do to maximise your chances of getting a good job… like the better your qualifications are, the better your practicalexperience, the better your communication skills are, you know, the more chance you’ll have of getting a good job.

  LILY YAN: Interesting you mention about communication skills because many people from overseas, when they choose to study IT, they think because you don’t really need a lot of communication skills or language skills, so they think it’s easier. But you just mentioned these skills, is that actually quite important for someone like you who work(s) in the IT industry?

  DAVE BOWLEY: I think it’s not crucial but it’s certainly very highly regarded. A lot of employers will, you know, would prefer to choose someone who can communicate well over someone who can’t be presented to a client and can’t really communicate the technical side of what they are doing to, you know, the business side. So they’re certainly very good skills to have.