


来源:青岛李沧区沃尔得英语培训学校 时间:2013-03-25


1. “即使吞进去一块铁,我也能熔化为动力。Even if swallowed a piece of iron, I also can melt into power.

2.是汉子,就要晃动地球,能晃三下晃三下,能晃五下晃五下。Is the man, will be shaking the earth, can shake three shake three shake five shake, can five.

3.人要有志气,要干就干,顽固不是坚强,野心决不是雄心。People should have high aspirations, to do it first, stubborn is not strong, ambition is not ambition.

4.生活中的确有一些人想用苦难毁掉你,但结果往往是苦难塑造了你。Life does have some people want to kill you with the suffering, but the results are often suffering created you.

5.老虎嘴里拔牙,令人却步。但是你真去拔老虎嘴里的牙,老虎准害怕.The tiger mouth tooth, daunting. But you really go to pull the tiger mouth teeth, the tiger must fear

6.失败,嘲弄和羞辱是一种动力。Failure, ridicule and humiliation is a kind of power.

7.对那些吐口水使绊子的人,不要下工夫收拾他。我知道灵的方法:继续画下去,做出成绩来…For those who spit slobber to obstruct people, don't make him. I know that the spirit: continue drawing, make achievements...

The rack one's brains to accuse you of person, not their enemy, they see problems although sarcastic ridicule, but perhaps it is my weakness. I thank these people, my success is their directions.

Confucius said, 'Chuang-tzu said, Turgenev's grandmother... Is not he say!

10.捶胸顿足的宣言,不如赶快回家去做学问。His declaration, not hurry home to do.

青岛英语培训  http://1555.peixun360.com/
